On Sunday March 8, 2020 the Houston Area Alumni chapters of Zeta Xi Sigma, Eta Rho Sigma, Alpha Sigma Sigma, and Epsilon Kappa Sigma collaborated to hold a joint initiation ceremony for all the collegiate chapters in which they sponsor.
The five collegiate chapters consisted of Beta Delta - Texas Southern University, Delta Theta - Prairie View A&M University, Zeta Zeta - University of Houston, Theta Rho - Sam Houston State University, and Alpha Lambda Alpha - Texas A&M University. Over 130 alumni brothers actively participated in the ceremony including members from the advising chapters, members from Alpha Beta Sigma, and members Sigma Theta Sigma. In attendance were several Gulf Coast Region Excutive Board members, Texas State Executive Board members, and leadership from all area chapters. Altogether, a combined 29 collegiate candidates were initiated into the fraternity in this historic ceremony. Gulf Coast Regional Director Bro. Howard Redmond gave opening and closing remarks and the ceremony was led by Sigma trailblazers initiated through each collegiate chapter including Bro. Edwin Miles (Delta Theta - Immediate Past Regional Director and early Advisor to all collegiate chapters in attendance), Bro. Hulen Rigsby (Beta Delta - recorded in history as the 1st elected Social Action Director when the Gulf Coast Region was formed), and Bro. Johnnie Sandles (Theta Rho - the 13th Texas State Director). Held at City Hall in the city of Missouri City, the ceremony was hosted by Zeta Xi Sigma chapter led by Bro. Clifford McBean and Bro. Felton Greer who helped coordinate along with Gulf Coast Region Collegiate Affairs Director Bro. Eric Hill.