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Join Our Organization

Thank you for your interest in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. In this section you will find information on the qualifications to become a member of our great Fraternity. After you read the information, please fill out the contact us form on the contact us page of the site. A member of the organization will reach out to you.


The Founders envisioned an organization built by members who believe in giving service to the community, integrity, and maintaining strong principles.  With brotherhood, scholarship and service as its core values, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity has impacted the local communities in which we live as well as the global community. Phi Beta Sigma has become a training ground for world, business and community leaders. Our success is based on the depth of commitment, vision and confidence of our members.

We therefore seek men who will promote and extend the policies and programs of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Because membership in Phi Beta Sigma has its privileges, the Fraternity has developed a massive network through which individuals can grow and develop personally and professionally.


Basic Eligibility Requirements:

Membership for this Chapter is for Alumni Candidates. Alumni considerations will be for members who have completed their undergraduate education. 


Candidates for membership in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity must apply to a chapter in the region where they reside, based upon the terms and conditions outlined in the Fraternity’s membership intake and development process.

  • Alumni Membership in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity is limited to professional men who have earned a baccalaureate degree or other degree from a recognized college or university.

  • Candidates of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity cannot hold active or previous membership in another intercollegiate fraternity, other than an honorary or professional fraternity.

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